So today was the very first day if the apprenticeship.
First we started getting ready to go at 9 but since we hadn't pre-planned our outfits it took us an hour to get everything together and get out the house.
Next we drove downtown to the Miles Interior Design Studio. Then we stood around kinda awkwardly as Rita Miles introduced us to her workers and got us situated on what we were supposed to do.
Then for the next 4 hours, we did our apprenticing job which I must say was dead boring. Our tasks were to go through a book that listed information on certain bridal shops and find our their email addresses and log the Name, Email, Phone, and Website in Microsoft Excel. Then we had to sign their email up to receive the Charlotte Seen newsletter(I'm not sure but this seems borderline illegal to me). So Jawaad did the looking up, I did the filling in info to Microsoft Excel, and Laila did the newsletter signing up. After a while it got so boring and tiring that we were like: "As soon as we finish 50, we're taking a break!"
Luckily, when we'd finished 50, we called our mother and she was on her way back to come get us. So she came, we headed back and fell asleep on the way home. Then when we got home we all took some sort of rest(mine was just to curl up in the fetal position and read City of Glass).
So yeah, that was it. The first day of our apprenticeship. My mother wants us to pre-plan our outfits this time but it's so hard!
Anyway, signing off for now, bye!!!
Sumiyya <3
P.S. Here's a picture I took of us at our apprentice job(edited on Instagram of course(btw check out @sosweetlyamazing97 and @trueblue4u)):