You know, I've been lately realizing that I don't really have a lot of friends. I mean, I've always known this it's just kinda getting to me now. I guess it's the whole "high schooler" thing. Maybe it isn't, maybe I just want friends.
However, I also realized that though I may not have a lot of friends, I do have friends that count. So today this post is dedicated to friendship.
To the friends I have come to know and love, to the one friend I've always had, to the new friends I have yet to know, to those that are my friends from the sidelines because they're too shy to actually talk to me(I don't think there's anyone like that but just in case), to the friends I never made due to my own shyness, and even to those who didn't necessarily seem like they wanted to be my friend when I tried: I love you all! XOXO Kisses and hugs to you all.
You have all affected me in some way and I'm grateful to have each and every one of you.
That concludes this Monday blog so signing off for now, bye, annyeong, salaams, sayonara, adiós, au revoir, and to all my friends and any readers out there: I love you, 사랑해요, أحبكم, 愛して, Te amo, Je t'aime all!
Sumiyya <3