Monday, April 28, 2014

Friday Night Lights

Well, hello there!
My name is Sumiyya Abdul-Rasheed and this is another Monday blog.

If you don't know, I was just doing a Tyler Oakley(who's last  name I just realized is the same as Annie Oakley)-style intro. If you don't know who he is, check him out. He's pretty funny and has great videos although lately he's just been doing a lot of Q&As(Q and Slays :D). Also he does Top That videos with Becca Frucht on Popsugar's channel. So yeah, anyway, check him out.

Today I really wanted to talk about something really awesome I went to this past Friday. It was at one of the local libraries in my area called Hickory Grove. The event was called Friday Night Lights.

Basically what it was was teens hanging out on a Friday night with also kind of an open mic night/talent show feel to it. If there was something you wanted to perform(song, poem, rap, flip, etc...) then you could just get up there and perform.

I came late to the event but luckily I made it in time to have a slice of pizza and some drink and I, of course, made it just in time for the talent portion. So here's how it went down:

The first performer was a girl named Jade. She did a poem which was really nice. I could see that she had a poem book(like me!) so this was really her passion.

The second one was a girl named Kimberly. She sang Angel by Natasha Beddingfield. It was nice but her voice could maybe use a little training. Otherwise she sounded great.

The third one was yours truly :D I did a poem too. It's one of mine called Window of Wonder. I thought it would be really cool to get up there and do it so I did and it was awesome. A lot of people seemed to like it.

The next performers were two kids. They both did flips. Not at the same time though.

The next performance was by two brothers who I think were Muslim and also who I think were twins. Anyway, they both started beatboxng and then one was beat boxing while the other was rapping and they killed it! It was sick. I think they might have gotten the best reception. At least from me.

Then some other boys decided to rap as well but there was a great confusion as to what was going on. Then one started rapping and it was kinda wack to be honest but he did his thing and some of it was okay.

Then Kimberly got up and sang again. She sang Lights by Ellie Goulding this time. It was nice as well.

Then the final act and I think it ties for first in my mind with the twins'(?) performance was by someone named Bernard. He sang a song which I later learned was Chocolate by The 1975. He played guitar while singing and both his guitar playing and his singing were totally amazing! My sister and I were like: If he doesn't have one already, he should make a YouTube and do covers because that was just so amazing. Also, I think I might just have to check out more of the 1975's songs because although honestly after hearing the original song, I didn't like it all that much but it has grown on me and been stuck in my head.

Here's a picture I surreptitiously took of him: 

So after all that we had to tidy up while waiting for our parents to come. So Laila and I helped.

Then we left and went to the store. And that was my Friday night.

It was pretty epic ^_^

So signing off for now, bye, au revoir, annyeong, adios, sayonara, ma'a salaama!

Sumiyya <3

Monday, April 21, 2014


What is up? 

I'm on time for once, eh? :D

What I wanted to talk about today is that my mom is graduating tomorrow. 

That's right, tomorrow she will finally be done with college. She will finally have a BA in both ESL and Instructional Design. She will finally have time to breathe. She'll finally have time to chill. She'll finally have time for us. 

It's been 5 years since she started and was thrown into the throng of homework and back to back assignments with hardly any break between classes. It's been a long 5 years. There have been times when she just didn't want to do it. There have been times when she actually didn't do it. There have been times when she excelled above everyone else. But finally, this is the time, when she's through with it all.

I'm so excited for her and for us and our life for the rest of this year before we move to Saudi. I also kinda wonder: "What will she do now?" Homework was the thing that kept her busy. I mean, of course there were other things but it was mainly that. Although, I also think that now she'll be able to sleep do much better. She can go to bed earlier. She doesn't have to stress so much about grades and all that good crap. She can relax. 

That's why I'm excited and happy for her. Her graduation is way bigger than when my father graduated because it's been 5 years in the making and it's finally here.

So, since she won't be able to go to her graduation party because it's in Iowa(or somewhere over there), we are actually throwing her a surprise graduation party. We're pooling all our resources and getting help from our grandparents an aunts and uncles and we're really hoping to make this a special event, dedicated solely to her. 

So this is pretty much it, I wish her the best, and I love her, and I congratulate her a million times on finally graduating. 

Signing off for now, sayonara, ma'a salaama, annyeong, adiĆ³s, au revoir, goodbyeeeee!!! 

Sumiyya <3 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Making My Way Downtown

What's up?
Long time no blog. 

Yeah, I know, I know. Sometimes I just get lazy or feel like "What's the point?" But I've got to do it if nothing but for myself.

So anyway, I'm back and I'm just going to talk about what I did yesterday and some other stuff I've done that I can really talk about. 

In my last blog I talked about the tea party we were going to. Well we went I that and it was pretty nice and everyone was saying how nice and grown-up we looked. It was really nice.

The other thing I want to talk about is Ben and Jerry's Free Cone Day which was also fun. I got two different flavors: Hazed and Confused and Triple Carmel Chunk. Both were delicious.

The last thing I wanted to talk about(which kinda goes with the title) is that I went walking downtown for basically the first time. We were taking pictures or our cousin who's doing a Flat Stanley thing in her class. SO she sent us a flat replica of herself and we went and took pictures.

And so that's it for now. Bear with me guys.

Signing off for now,

Annyeong, ma'a salaama, adios, au revoir, sayonara, bye!!!

Sumiyya <3