Thursday, June 6, 2013

My Involvement in Social Media

Okay so I, like pretty much everyone else in my generation, am engrossed in social media such as: Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. All of these sites, however have different purposes for me.

Facebook: I use Facebook when I want to sign up for stuff. Just a click of a button and that's it. So easy! Also, I use Facebook when I want to share something to people. Lastly I use Facebook to stalk people(shhh, it's a secret). Not really. Facebook is made for stalking. Anyway, what I really mean is that I look at what's going on in my friends' lives and also enjoy funny, awesome, or random stuff that they post. 

Twitter: Since no one really follows me on Twitter, I use Twitter as my outlet. I can say whatever I feel and no one I know sees me say it. It's not bad stuff about them, just stuff I want to get off my chest without them seeing or judging. I also use Twitter when there is a giveaway and you can win an entry by following the person/company. 

Google+: I use Google+ when I wanna laugh, find good K-Pop songs to listen to and hot/cute K-Pop guys to look at, see cute cat pictures, or connect with my fellow Muslims who love Islam. 

When I want to talk to somebody I usually turn to either Facebook or my sister. Except when neither are available in which case, I talk to myself(yes, I'm crazy). Just kidding, I don't talk to anyone. I just keep my thoughts to myself and read a book. 

So basically this is my involvement in social media. That's all. Bye, Annyeong, Konichiwa, Ciao, Salut, AdiĆ³s, Salaams!!!

Sumiyya <3 

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