Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Misadventures of Temple Ox Abdul-Rasheed

Yesterday, someone we know gave us a box turtle that they found.

 My brother, Jawaad, came in and asked if we wanted a turtle, said someone was giving us a turtle.  I said no but everyone else said yes so we ended up getting the turtle. They decided to name it Temple because its shell looks like Temple Run and also Ox because he's a box turtle and they couldn't very well call him box(their words). So Temple Ox it was. 

So they brought him in and put him in their small tub we have. However, he kept trying to get out the tub and nearly succeeded a couple of times. We would snap at him each time to teach him not to do that. 

Today, when my sister and I came back from shopping with my mother(she dropped us off to go elsewhere), Laila goes to see Temple and he's not there. So she asks Jawaad where he is. He says he's where he should be but Laila and I both knew that he wasn't. So we told Jawaad that he was gone and so we decided he must be around the house somewhere. So Laila went down the hall to look and was shocked to find him: on her bed?! Crazy right? 

They decided that they would hurry up and make a habitat for him but while they were doing that, I had to watch him to make sure he didn't get away again. He tried really hard and even succeeded once but I got him back in and made it so he couldn't go out again. Not that he still didn't try. XD 

Well, now they've taken him to put him in his habitat. I still think we really don't need a turtle what with all the other pets we currently have. 

Well, that's the misadventure of Temple Ox. Signing off for now, byee!!

Sumiyya <3

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